Most of you know that I enjoy breastfeeding very much. I am lucky that most of my friends are supportive of nursing and we are really a great support group for each other.
I subscribe to KellyMom on Facebook and in reading an article about how long to nurse your baby- I read a comment that made a great point and I just had to add my thoughts...
The article was talking about some people not understanding why you should breastfeed past one year. (or at least to a year). She pointed out that MANY toddlers still use bottles, so why is breastfeeding a toddler looked down upon?
I never even thought about it from that perspective. Now, I have not run into to many negative comments, but have a few people give me strange looks when I say (very proudly) that I still nurse Matthew once a day. He will be 2 in about 6 weeks.
As I think about it, I see MANY toddlers/kids with bottles, pacifiers, and blankets and other loveys. These are all not necessarily needed, but offer little ones with comfort and a way to soothe themselves. A breast is the same thing at this point. Of course, there are still nutritional benefits, but when your toddler eats mostly table food, it is for comfort, snuggles and closeness when he/she needs it most. And, in my opinion, breastfeeding is the most natural attachment item a toddler could possibly have!
So- I am going to make this point next time someone looks at me weird and I hope that all of my pro-breastfeeding friends will continue to be vocal and encouraging to everyone about the topic. I know it has been very helpful to me to have all of your support!!
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