Thursday, August 18, 2011

Amazing Breastfeeding Post

I just read the most amazing post and wanted to share it with all of you! Aside from just sounding cute (it is written from the perspective of a newborn...awwww), it has a lot of really important and valuable information. (and a lot of super adorable pictures of nurslings and their mommies!)

Baby Explains- Normal Newborn Behavior- By Diana Cassar-Uhl, IBCLC

Check out this sample from the article, talking about why it is SO important to nurse and nurse OFTEN during the first two weeks and not supplement formula:

"A word about these instincts I feel … I really can’t help it, mommy, that I want to suckle so much.  It’s just how I came out, and there doesn’t seem to be much that I can do about it.  Please believe me, I’m not trying to trick you!  In a few weeks, this need lets up a tiny bit, but for now, suckling is my M.O.  But, do you want to know something really cool?  I’m not the only one who benefits!  When I suckle at your breast in these early days, your body actually activates prolactin receptors!  Isn’t that amazing?  In my first two weeks, the higher I make your prolactin levels go (my suckling triggers a prolactin surge in your body), the more of these receptors get activated in your breasts, and the higher your potential milk production will be for as long as you choose to breastfeed me.  That’s one reason your lactation consultant tells you to wait on introducing that bottle or that binky– this prolactin receptor thing only happens for the first 10-14 days.  After that, the prolatcin surges when I breastfeed are much smaller, so the more receptors there are to gobble up what prolactin is there, the more easily you’ll make all the milk I need."


I do  not know about all of you- but those first few days before your milk comes in are the hardest. Even though I knew what to expect this second time around, I still cried and was so overwhelmed and exhausted. My nipples hurt, I was having such bad uterine contractions and all my son wanted to do was nurse 24 hours a day! But nurse you must!! 

Click HERE to read the entire article and pass it along to every Mom and soon-to-be Mom you know!

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