Sunday, March 27, 2011

Sorry for the light posting...

I have not been the best blogger lately. Between being super pregnant and exhausted- to having a baby and being exhausted...blogging has not been first on my to do list.

I am very excited to be breastfeeding again. I was very lucky to get Lucas on my chest right after birth and we began breastfeeding within 30 minutes of delivery.

He latched on right away and nursed for about 2-3 hours with only small breaks in between. (Just like my first son- big babies do not wait for meals, haha).

I also remembered how hard these first few weeks hurt SO bad to nurse for the first week or so for every minute of our nursing sessions. I mean, bring me to tears pain. Plus- my little chunk wants to nurse every few hours if not more.

Thankfully, the pain is now only lasting about 20 seconds when he first latches on, then it does not hurt. Hooray! Hopefully, that will be gone soon too.

It is also overwhelming to nurse so often. When I last breastfed my son, he only nursed once per day for about 10 minutes. Easy! Now, it is for 30-45 min. every few hours (and of course, every hour sometimes). I feel stuck to our couch/bed!

The wonderful parts are here too. There is nothing cuter that looking at your baby while they are nursing. It is no accident that newborns can only see about a foot in front of them- the exact distance from your breast to your face. They look at you while nursing with the most loving little eyes...I just melt every time. It is also so nice to be able to comfort my son so quickly and completely.


I will try and get back on the blog bandwagon soon- and if in the meantime, you find something interesting- e-mail me and I will post it on this site for everyone to read.

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