Monday, September 27, 2010

Pumpkin Time!

Fall is now here...(although you would never know it with this heat!). Know what that means??

Pumpkin season! 

Pumpkins are great for first foods for baby and for the whole family. Now- time to think outside of the box- they are not JUST for pumpkin pies!

Here are some great recipe ideas for babies and the entire family!

Pumpkin Yogurt- Mix pumpkin puree with plain yogurt and add some cinnamon or nutmeg- or both! (remember, spices are great for babies- just follow the 4 day wait rule the same way you do with foods)

Pumpkin Cupcakes- (This recipe is amazing, but I half the amount of sugar or use a mix of agave nectar when making this for little ones)

Pumpkin Soup- I found this recipe online- but I am pretty sure you can add just about anything you like to make this favorite!

Pumpkin Cheesecake-  Another recipe I would substitute agave for if serving to my toddler- or just leave it for the grown ups, hehe.

Pumpkin Chili- I have never tried this- but it sounds really good. Another recipe you could really be creative with and make your own! Ground Turkey, vegetarian...whatever you like!

Pumpkin Pancakes- This is a great way to make a morning favorite healthy! This recipe is great because it only has a tablespoon of sugar- you can substitute or just leave it since it is such a small amount. 

Click here for more Pumpkin recipes

Or here!

Or here!!

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