You all know that I love the website Wholesome Baby Food. They give so many great recipes and tips- it was my go-to site when I started making food for my son. I found an interesting article and thought I would share and see what you think about the topic!
("What is Baby Led Weaning and is it the right approach to Introducing Solid Foods?
More and more parents are turning to "Baby Led" approach to weaning and introducing solid foods to baby. Many parents choose to offer their babies food that is puréed while others prefer to jump straight into "table foods". Introducing your baby to "table foods" rather than purees is what Baby led Weaning is all about.
What is Baby Led Weaning?
So what exactly is Baby Led Weaning as relates to solid food introduction? In short, Baby Led Weaning (BLW) is skipping thin and runny purées and not feeding your baby with a spoon.
Baby Led Weaning means offering your baby (age appropriate) foods that are soft-cooked and cut or mashed into small easily manageable pieces. These foods are then given to your baby to eat. You do the cooking, the dicing or mashing and the offering of the foods and your baby does the rest. You may choose to offer your baby a large hunk of apple that she can easily hold and gnaw on or a bowl full of soft cooked mashed apples; the choice is yours. It is important to note that your baby should be in control of what he is eating and you should never put the foods into his mouth!
As with breastfeeding on demand, Baby Led Weaning is a method of introducing solid foods that leaves it up to your baby to decide what, when and how much to eat. While not necessarily a "hands off" approach, Baby Led Weaning does advocate allowing your baby to make all food choices for him or herself.
Do I just give my baby the food and then "walk-away"?
Many who have researched BLW have the misunderstanding that the "hands off" approach means that there should never be any intervention by the parent. This is a common misconception and one we feel is in need of clarifying. I have had many parents ask "how can I just give my baby food and then not help her eat it or feed her the food?".
While Baby Led Weaning does encourage the infant to lead the way, parents must realize that they need to help guide and direct their babies through the weaning process. It might be easier to think of Baby Led Weaning as paying strict attention to your baby's cues rather than trying to establish set feeding schedules and set portion sizes. Watch your baby as she experiments with the food and if need be, show her how to guide the food to her mouth. You will not be spoon-feeding your baby, rather your baby will be feeding (or smooshing and squishing and tossing) herself. When it is time for introducing solid foods and weaning a baby onto solid foods, you must feel comfortable in the methods and the foods that will make up the introduction to solid foods.
As we noted in our How Much Should My Baby Eat? page, "following your baby's cues during feeding time will ensure that your baby is eating the proper amounts of food for him or her." You see, the majority of healthy babies will eat just the right amount of foods that they need. Many who advocate Baby Led Weaning believe that babies who feed themselves early on are better able to control just what their bodies need to nourish them.
Offering your baby a well balanced diet of solid foods will help ensure that your baby is eating the right amount of the right foods. It is important to pay close attention to your baby's cues as your baby's feeding patterns will change daily and may be affected by the goings-on around him. You do not want to accidentally override your baby's ability to self-regulate his or her feeding by continuing to try and feed your baby. The Baby Led Weaning approach is much the same as we noted above.
Is it dangerous to skip purées and begin with "table foods"?
The answer to the above question is both yes and no. If you are delaying solid foods until after the age of 6 months old, then your baby may readily accept textures and "table foods". On the other hand, if you are beginning solid foods between the age of 4 and 6 months old, it is highly unlikely that baby would be able to handle "table foods". You should ensure that these foods are offered in a manner so as not to pose a choking hazard.
Please keep in mind that all babies are different and will eat textures, bits and chunks of foods at their own pace. For more information about solid food and weaning, read our Ready for Solids page.
Is Baby Led Weaning right for your baby?
Visit these links to learn more:
So- after reading this- what do you think? Would you just skip straight to table foods or do you believe that purees are the way to go? For me, this offered great comfort because my son was never very interested in purees. He only wanted mama's milk and would only eat a few tablespoons of pureed food at each meal for several months. I fed him solids at 6 months, but at around 8-9 months, I just ditched the purees and gave him age-appropriate table foods. He ate much more and loved it! It worked out great for us and made me less does seem strange to see a baby eating big people food.
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