Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Arizona Midday

Hello Everyone!

I am very excited to be on Arizona Midday today. I will be talking about getting more veggies into your kids diet.

I am all for just putting the veggies on your kids plate and not giving them the option of eating/not eating what I cooked for them. I believe that if you always give your kids healthy food- there will be no fighting or picky eaters! I only make one meal for my family and if my son decides he does not want to eat what I make him, that is fine. I do not make another meal. He just does not get to eat anything else until I make his next meal. Try this with your kids. I guarantee that they will not skip too many meals...hunger will set in and they will be grateful for any food you put in front of them and eat it up!

However, if you are only now giving healthy foods to your family and making a big switch, it could be hard to go from chicken nuggets and fries to grilled chicken and broccoli. SO- that is when I think that "hiding" healthy foods could be useful. But I do not think anyone should go through the effort of making separate meals for every family member. Hopefully, you can just incorporate some healthy options into the menu and not make more work for yourself!! (Like any Mom or Dad has time to make 4 different meals!?!)

Here are some great sites to help you with healthy food recipes:

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