Friday, December 31, 2010

Scary Statistic...

1/3 of all 9-month-olds are obese or overweight. That is the headline in a news story from Yahoo/

The statistics point out that the heavier a child is as a baby- the increased chances of that child becoming overweight later in life. The study also pointed out that putting a 9 month old on a diet is not a good idea, but that this data will help to bring more education and awareness to the issue to hopefully prevent this trend.

The most important part of the article states: "Studies have shown that exclusive breastfeeding - breastfeeding alone, not breastfeeding combined with bottle-feeding -prevents obesity," said Dr. David McCormick, senior author of that study at the University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston. "Getting enough fiber - eating apples instead of drinking apple juice, for example - also helps keep babies on track to a healthy weight. By contrast, improper early introduction of cereal by adding it to an infant's bottle promotes obesity."(

Once again, this just gives people the facts that exclusive breastfeeding until 6 months and no introduction of solids until the 6th month is the healthiest thing you can do for your child. 

To read the entire article, click here


Wednesday, December 29, 2010

International Code for Marketing Breastmilk Substitutes

I have never heard of this until today- but there is a code set up by the World Health Organization that specifies marketing limitations and regulations for any breast milk substitutes. All formula companies sign this agreement- but it is not regulated nor enforced here in the US. A summary of the code:

Summary: International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes

Full text available from

The Code aims to protect and promote breastfeeding by ensuring appropriate marketing and distribution of breastmilk substitutes.

The Code applies to breastmilk substitutes, when marketed or otherwise represented as a partial or total replacement for breastmilk. These breastmilk substitutes can include food and beverages such as:
• infant formula    • other milk products    • cereals for infants • vegetable mixes    • baby teas and juices    • follow-up milks.

The Code also applies to feeding bottles and teats. Some countries have expanded the scope of the Code to include foods or liquids used as breastmilk substitutes and pacifiers.

  • No advertising of above products to the public. No free samples to mothers, their families or health workers.

  • No promotion of products, i.e. no product displays, posters or distribution of promotional materials. No use of mothercraft nurses or similar company-paid personnel.

  • No gifts or samples to health workers. Product information must be factual and scientific. No free or low-cost supplies of breastmilk substitutes to any part of the health care system.

  • Information and educational materials must explain the benefits of breastfeeding, the health hazards associated with bottle feeding, and the costs of using infant formula.

  • Product labels must clearly state the superiority of breastfeeding, the need for the advice of a health worker and a warning about health hazards. 
  • No pictures of infants, or other pictures or text idealising the use of infant formula.

  • Unsuitable products, such as sweetened condensed milk, should not be promoted for babies. All products should be of a high quality (Codex Alimentarius standards), have expiration dates, and take account of the climatic and storage conditions of the country where they are used.

Courtesy: International Code Documentation Centre/IBFAN Penang, PO Box 19, 10700, Penang, Malaysia. Full text available from

The full WHO document can be viewed online here

So what do you think? I personally have no issue with marketing of substitutes as long as the companies are being honest about all ingredients. I do not like how many free samples are given to pregnant and new Moms, and I do not like that through government programs such as WIC, you can obtain free formula because the system can be and is abused. It is my opinion that free samples make it very easy to fall back on formula feeding when breastfeeding gets tough (and it usually is for a few months!). If you know you did not have a fall back option- I think most women would push through the hard times and would see that given a bit of time- breastfeeding can be wonderful and easy.

HOWEVER- I do not agree with beating up any mother who chooses formula or needs formula for their child. It is not okay to make any mother feel badly about her choices. Everyone of us just does our best- and being a mom is the hardest job ever!

I just thought it was very interesting that this code has been agreed upon by the formula companies, and yet everything on this list is done here in the US against the very code they signed...

Let me know what you think about the topic!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Proof that your kids like healthy!

I just read a great article that talked about a study from the smart folks at Yale University...They proved that kids will enjoy a low sugar cereal jut as much as the high sugar cereals. So- the idea that many parents have that kids won't eat healthier cereals because they won't like them is completely FALSE!!

Buy your kids low-sugar cereals and keep them healthy!

Click here to read the article and the details on this study 

(picture courtesy of

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Healthiest Grocery Stores


"America's 10 healthiest grocery stores"

By Pamela Paul
Let’s face it: Your weekly (or daily!) run to the grocery store is the foundation for your good health. So it’s thrilling news that the supermarket industry is on a health kick—these days you’ll likely find organic produce and “natural” packaged foods at almost any store you go to.
But which chains are outdoing themselves to deliver the freshest and healthiest foods to you? And which ones provide the best tools to help you make smart choices?
We asked six prominent health experts (meet our judges) to help us pick the top 10 healthiest grocery stores out of the nation’s largest chains. Here are the true standouts. Happy, healthy shopping!
#1: Whole Foods
279 stores in 38 states and Washington, D.C.
We figured this natural-foods chain would make the list, but who knew it would hands-down top it? “It’s the Rolls Royce of healthy eating,” says Kate Geagan, a nutritionist in Park City, Utah, and one of our judges. Whole Foods has the whole package—from an extraordinary selection of fresh conventional and organic fruit and vegetables to delicious prepared foods with healthy ingredients and clear labeling. (Most other stores offer mystery meals that may very well be loaded with butter.) And Whole Foods puts a premium on products that are grown or produced locally (read: superfresh).
There’s also hard-to-find grass-fed meats, ready-to-cook organic and free-range chicken, and a well-stocked selection of just-caught seafood. The desserts are pretty good for you: Every item in the bakery is free of artificial colors, flavors, sweeteners, preservatives, and trans fats. Our judges also raved about Whole Foods’s snacks, singling out the store’s own dark chocolate, fresh-cut veggies, and nut and seed mixes. Alan Greene, MD, a Palo Alto, California–based pediatrician and one of our panelists sums it up best: “The store celebrates great, healthy food from start to finish.”

#2: Safeway
1,700-plus stores nationwide
Safeway is the traditional grocer you’re familiar with, but look closer and you’ll see a huge transformation going on. “They now have their own organic brands and a section of locally grown produce,” says judge Lisa Pawloski, PhD, chair of the department of global and community health at George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia. Besides those organic brands—O Organics for packaged goods (the biggest organic brand in the country) and Eating Right for prepared foods—many of the chain’s redesigned stores have a greatly expanded produce section.
Safeway’s specialty items like organic spices and packaged nuts make it a regular stop for judge Dr. Greene. Bonus: Its online Food Flex program analyzes shoppers’ purchases based on metrics like recommended sodium consumption, and then suggests healthier choices. “They’re a major pioneer in this area,” says panelist Christine Palumbo, a Chicago-based nutritionist. “It’s like having your own registered dietitian.”
#3: Harris Teeter
176 stores in the Southeast
This grocer boasts 600 varieties of fruit and veggies, with a good selection of organic and locally grown items, as well as hard-to-find nonfarm-raised seafood. But what catapulted it to third place is its breadth of healthy shopping tools.
Harris Teeter’s YourWellness For Life program, which was originally created to help employees choose the most nutritious foods, became available to customers in 2006. Part of that initiative is shelf tags that clearly show the nutrients in various foods (an “excellent source of fiber” label means the item contains 20% or more of the recommended daily intake; a “good source of fiber” lets you know there’s between 10% and 19% of the RDI). Plus, a Green Thumb Expert at every store gives hints on choosing and preparing produce.

#4: Trader Joe's
300-plus stores in 23 states and Washington, D.C.
Shopping at Trader Joe’s is more like going to a specialty-foods store than a chain grocer—you’ll find healthy foods from around the world, all at surprisingly reasonable prices. What you won’t find: bad-for-you mainstream brands. The store’s impressive and delicious store-brand foods contain no artificial flavors, colors, or preservatives, and no MSG, trans fats or genetically modified ingredients. “My daughter loves their Omega Trek Mix With Omega-Fortified Cranberries, and now I do, too!” Palumbo says.
Pawloski is just as excited about their organic prepared meals. There are fun healthy surprises, too: instead of sugary cereals, they have good-news alternatives, like fruit-and nut-packed Triple Berry O’s. Why didn’t Trader Joe’s rank higher? The limited selection in most of its stores.

#5: Hannaford
165-plus stores in the Northeast
This chain is relatively small, but Whole Foods should look out$mdash;Hannaford is the largest certified-organic supermarket in the region, and in the past two years it has boosted its produce selection to provide more than 50 local and organic products from 200 farms close by. “It’s an impressive amount of local produce, which is not that easy in temperate New England,” Geagan notes.
But Hannaford’s commitment to healthy foods doesn’t stop there. Its Guiding Stars nutrition-label program makes it a snap to pick out the healthiest fresh and packaged fare: You’ll find one, two, or three stars—with three stars indicating the highest nutritional value—on nearly every item in the store. That means you don’t have to pore over the labels to decide which loaf of bread to buy.

#6: Albertsons
529 stores in the West, owned by SuperValu
Organic food can be expensive, but Albertsons’s house brand, Wild Harvest, typically costs 15% less than name-brand organic products. All Wild Harvest items—including whole wheat pastas, soy milk, cereals, meats, and poultry—eschew artificial preservatives, colorings, sweeteners, and flavorings; hydrogenated and cottonseed oils; and phosphates and chlorine.
Our judges loved the chain’s Healthy Eaters program, which lets kids tour the store with a registered dietitian. And this month, Albertsons introduces the Nutrition iQ program, which uses simple color-coded labels to highlight nutritional benefits.

#7: Food Lion
1,300 stores in the Southeast and Mid-Atlantic
This megachain is owned by the same company as Hannaford and has taken some healthy cues from its smaller sister: It stocks organic fruits and vegetables (though not as many local items as the top chains), has its own natural-foods brand, Nature’s Place, and also uses the Guiding Stars nutrition-labeling system.
But it’s Food Lion’s boutique offshoot, Bloom (61 stores in North Carolina, South Carolina, Maryland, and Virginia), that’s leading the way for the entire chain. “Their produce is fresh and smells wonderful,” Pawloski says. Bloom also boasts kiosks that provide nutrition info and healthy recipes that can be printed in-store.

#8: Publix
952 stores in the Southeast
Publix scores high for making healthy eating a family affair. Pregnant moms can sign up for the Publix Baby Club and receive coupons and a news­letter about infants’ developing needs. The Preschool Pals program for 2- to 4-year-olds provides kids with fun free CD-ROMs and emails that teach nutrition and safety. And its free FamilyStyle magazine has simple tips on cooking family dinners fast.
The store’s own brand, GreenWise, features fresh and packaged natural and organic foods. And like Food Lion, Publix has launched an offshoot store that focuses on natural and organic foods—Publix GreenWise Market (currently only in Florida). Our judges also couldn’t stop talking about Publix’s At Season’s Peak program, which points customers to the produce that’s most in season. “It helps shoppers choose food when it’s freshest and most nutritious,” says panelist Frances Largeman-Roth, Health’s senior food and nutrition editor.

#9: Pathmark
141 stores in the Mid-Atlantic
Pathmark doesn’t make a big deal out of its commitment to buying from area farms and producers, but it is in fact the largest retailer of locally grown produce in the Northeast, stocking area finds like Long Island corn on the cob.
It also provides a welcome incentive to eat right: The company’s Live Better! Wellness Club includes discounts of up to 15% on fresh-cut fruit and veggies. And if you never know what the heck to make for dinner, here is a perk you’ll appreciate: You can go online and get creative and healthy menu ideas, courtesy of Pathmark’s resident registered dietitian, Jacqueline Gomes.

#10: SuperTarget
239 stores in 21 states, primarily Texas and Florida
Tar-jay, a healthy grocer? Yep. These Targets with minimarkets offer good-news brands like Kashi, Quaker, Sahala Snacks, and Barbara’s, plus a limited amount of organic dairy items and produce. And you’ll also find inexpensive, high-quality house brands like Market Pantry (cooking staples, etc.) and the trans fat–free Archer Farms (which includes baked goods, appetizers, and snacks)—and this makes it easier for shoppers to stock up for less.


Thursday, December 9, 2010

The Greatest Thing Since...

You can finish that sentence...haha. I am just SO excited about a new product I found while grocery shopping last night.

I have always liked the little containers of cut fruit...they are convenient, travel well, and are the perfect serving size. HOWEVER, they are always packed in syrup, light syrup or have tons of added sugar. Yuck. (I have never understood adding sugar to is already sweet!?)

NOW...drum roll please...Dole has come out with little fruit cups packed in 100% fruit juice with no added sugar or sugar substitutes!!!


They are more expensive than buying the fresh fruit- but they were on sale at Fry's and it is worth it to me for the convenience.

Perfect for lunches, play dates and more! You do not need to refrigerate them before opening and they are cut in perfect baby/toddler sizes.

Click here to view the nutritional information and learn more!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Great article about Dad's role in breasfeeding

For me- having my husband's support regarding breastfeeding was the single most important reason I was successful. Before we had our son, he was encouraging and helped me learn about what to do. When our son was born, he was very helpful (especially when it was so tiring and painful!). He was supportive and was there with water, kind words and love. And throughout the next TWO years, he never complained or made me feel weird for wanting to breastfeed long term. He gave me praise to family and friends and made me feel like a superstar for breastfeeding our son.

I really believe that having a partner (or even a family member or close friend if you are not married) can help get you through the tough times. Breastfeeding is NOT easy!

Here is a great article to read for Mom and Dad about starting/continuing a successful breastfeeding relationship from The Connected Mom:

Share it with those expecting- definitely good advice. Also- if you have some advice for Dad- leave it here!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Healthy Hanukkah Recipes!

Happy Hanukkah!! The best part, in my opinion? The fun lasts 8 days/nights! More time with family, more time to eat delicious foods and more time for happy celebrations.

Here are some recipes to try out that are a bit healthier than the originals. And if you are not Jewish- why not introduce some new foods to your family and little ones. You will not be sorry- the food is delicious!!!

Healthy Hanukkah Recipes form Eating Well

Some new latkes recipes to try- from

Kosher Recipes from

Hundred's of traditional and new recipes from Food Network


Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

Enjoy the special day, give thanks and I hope you are having delicious food with family and friends!

Here are some links to leftovers recipes to make good use of all of the food you do not finish today!!!

Food Network

CD Kitchen

Better Homes and Gardens

Readers Digest

Martha Stewart

Eating Well

Betty Crocker

Each link has tons of great ideas- try and come up with something new!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Thanksgiving for the allergic...

I know it is no funny matter- but I swear- everyone I know now has some major food allergies to deal with!! Gluten intolerance, Wheat allergy, Dairy allergies...the list is getting longer by the hour.

I am VERY thankful to not have any food allergies- but I would love to offer some Thanksgiving recipes for those who do suffer from food issues.

Many of my friends tell me that with some practice and trial and error, most recipes can be made as good as the originals- so I hope these recipes help!

Pumpkin Cheesecake Bars (Gluten Free and Dairy Free) from Jules Gluten Free

Graham Cracker or Gingersnap Pie Crusts (Gluten Free and can be made Dairy free with butter substitute) from Jules Gluten Free

Biscuits (Gluten Free) from Elanas Pantry

Tips and about 100 recipes from Gluten-Free Goddess

A random collection of recipes from my friend Mairi on her blog Gluten Free Together

AND if that is not enough- I have an eBook that is in .pdf format called "Gluten Free Thanksgiving" with 52 pages of recipes for the big day. Leave me a comment with your e-mail if you want a copy!!


Thursday, November 18, 2010

Healthified Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving is just around the corner!

Yum Yum!! Everyone has their favorite recipes and I say- make them!! Indulge in your favorites and don't obsess too much over a meal that only comes once a year. BUT if you are interested in trying some new ideas- I am going to be posting some healthy suggestions over the next week or so.

To get started:

Healthified Pumpkin Pie from Eat Better America

Fresh Green Bean Casserole- no condensed soup required- from Brown Eyed Baker!

Sage Roasted Potatoes from Eat Better America

Healthified Sweet Potato Casserole from Eat Better America

Cranberry Sauce with no refined sugar from Food Network


Thursday, November 11, 2010

Breastfeeding Past Infancy

My favorite breastfeeding site- has published a fact sheet on breastfeeding past infancy (12 months and beyond).

These are wonderful facts for your own benefit and also if you are experiencing questions from others on why you are considering/or have chosen to breastfeed past one year.

Check it out by clicking HERE!

and don't forget to share with all of your Mommy friends!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

5 Unexpectedly Unhealthy Kids Foods

A great article from Yahoo about seemingly healthy items that really are not so healthy...

"5 Unexpectedly Unhealthy Kids' Foods

Yogurt, applesauce, whole grain cereal, fruit juice– these sound like staples of a healthy child’s diet, right? However, these wholesome sounding foods may really be full of fat, sugar, sodium, and unnecessary additives or have little nutritional value at all. Read on to learn how to decipher food labels and make healthier choices for your kids.

1. The PB & J
This classic kid food is perfect for lunchboxes and last minute meals, but the traditional version on white bread leaves much to be desired nutritionally. Commercial peanut butters are full of artery-clogging hydrogenated oils and added sugars. And spreading on grape jelly adds an extra helping of simple sugars. It’s easy to make your sandwich a nutritional winner, though, by using whole grain bread, natural peanut butter, and an all-fruit spread. The complex carbs and fiber in the bread combined with the protein and good fats in natural peanut butter deliver a filling and balanced meal.

2. Baked Potato Chips and Pretzels
There’s nothing good or bad with baked chips and pretzels – and that’s exactly the problem. Though these baked snacks are much lower in fat than traditional chips and puffs, they really offer very little nutrient-wise. Pack more nutrients into your child’s snack or sandwich accompaniment by offering whole wheat pita chips or baked veggie chips, both of which are higher in fiber, B vitamins and some minerals. Another fiber-rich option snack option is popcorn, which most people don’t realize is actually a whole grain.

3. Whole Milk
Everyone knows kids need milk for good bone health, but did you know that kids don’t need the extra fat that’s in whole milk? In fact, the American Academy of Pediatrics now recommends that children over the age of two years drink low-fat (1%) milk. Toddlers need the extra fat in whole milk from 12 months to two years for development; but, after that, the additional fat isn’t necessary and can add extra calories to kids’ diets. If your child is hooked on whole milk, then transition him slowly to the low-fat option by mixing whole or 2% milk with 1% or skim. And, don’t worry about missing out on any calcium and Vitamin D. All milks have the same vitamin and mineral content, regardless of the fat content.

4. Apple Sauce
What could be more wholesome than applesauce, right? Think again. Most applesauce today is sweetened with added sugars and may even be tinted with artificial colorings. While there are nutritious ones out there, you have to know what to shop for. Look for the words “natural” or “unsweetened” on the label, which usually means the applesauce has no added sugars, just fruit. Double check the ingredient list to make sure apples and water are the primary ingredients. Organic varieties of unsweetened applesauce, which are made from apples grown on pesticide- and chemical-free farms, are available at some stores.

5. Packaged Lunches
Packaged lunches offer all types of deli meat, cheese and cracker combinations. Some varieties even have a drink and dessert included. Kids like having the option to build their own lunches; parents like the simplicity these lunches provide on busy mornings. However, these packaged meals are full of processed food items usually high in fat and sodium. We suggest making your own lunch combinations. Pack whole grain crackers or mini pitas with lean, low-sodium turkey or ham and cheese cubes. Round off the meal with a fruit and vegetable serving such as sweet cherry tomatoes, baby carrots or grapes. To save time in the morning, pre-portion items into individual containers the night before or when you get home from the grocery."


Good to know!! Check out the article for a link to "22 Healthy Lunch Ideas"

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Freebies for Veterans!!

I found this great post at about several places that are giving away free meals and other items to military personnel on Veteran's Day.

Now- of course- a free meal cannot even BEGIN to repay our military members for all that they do and have done for us...but hopefully it is a fun little perk to enjoy.

Please pass this list along to all military families that you know!!!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Squash Rings

One Hungry Mama has done it again! A fabulous recipe that can be shared with babies as young as 6 months- but will be a guaranteed favorite with kids and adults alike!


From the One Hungry Mama website:

"I love Delicata squash! The heirloom variety is mild, buttery and as gorgeous to look at as it is to taste.
I recently roasted scallop-edged rings of this thin-skinned winter squash. They are as fun to eat as onion rings and (believe it or not) just as delicious. And way healthier! The edible skin gets crispy during roasting, giving these finger food rings a little crunch that gives way to soft squash that I like to finish with nutty thyme browned butter, a squirt of lemon and sprinkle of parmesan.
Just writing about it makes my mouth water! If reading about it is doing the same for you, get my recipe at The Family Kitchen: Roasted Delicata Squash Rings with Thyme Browned Butter (can be shared with kids 6+ mos)*

Oh, and if you’re already starting to think about holiday vegetables, bookmark these. They’d make a lovely Thanksgiving (or Hanukkah or Christmas!) side.

*Note: Peels the skin off for children not yet eating finger foods"


And you can of course, add your own spin to this recipe! I am definitely going to try it out- I am sure my son will think these are so fun and delicious!

Click here to view the recipe for Squash Rings

Friday, October 29, 2010

Kangaroo Daddy Care

This is a great group on Facebook dedicated to a great topic- Kangaroo Daddy Care.

Kangaroo care refers to having your baby next to your bare skin immediately after birth and while very young. Many great studies have been done showing how kangaroo care improves the health and well being of babies and especially pre-term infants.

Kangaroo care is especially important in starting a great breastfeeding relationship and the bonding process with your child. Mostly- the news is about Mother Kangaroo Care, but now this group shows many examples of Daddy KC. This can be really important for the Dad to bond with the baby, or critical if for some reason, the mother is unable to offer this care right after birth. (This is a great alternative if a mom has a C-section and the hospital does not allow skin-to-skin contact right after birth. The Dad can follow the baby to the nursery and offer the skin-to-skin contact!)

Click here to see the group on Facebook and read more about the topic!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Nutrition Tips from Let's Move!

I seriously love the Let's Move campaign. They offer such great tips and have so many great resources on their website and blog. 

Here is a great article from the Let's Move Blog about starting your day (and your kids day) off right!

"Nutrition Tip: Start the Day Right With a Nutritious Breakfast

Posted by Shirley Blakely, Ph.D., R.D., FDA Senior Nutrition Policy Advisor on October 21, 2010
Like most working moms, I used to start the school year vowing to begin each day with a sane, unrushed, healthy breakfast. But within a few weeks, those plans would give way to the reality of lost socks, misplaced homework, enforced tooth-brushing—and breakfast on the fly.
The truth is, a quick breakfast can be healthy if you look at it as the first piece of that day’s nutrition puzzle. Hot and cold breakfast cereals are fast and easy. Pair a bowl of oatmeal or cereal with low fat milk and banana slices or blueberries, and you’ve gotten the day off to a pretty good start.
Preparing a healthy meal really starts at the grocery store, where you should check the nutrients in each item before filling up your shopping cart. Zero-in on two things:
  • the Nutrition Facts label—which tells you the calories and percentage of recommended nutrients per serving for one day
  • the ingredients list on the label of prepared foods—which lists each ingredient used to make the product, with the predominant ingredient first, the next most prominent second, and so on in descending order
Pay close attention to the ingredients list. If the cereal your kids like has some type of grain listed first, that’s a good sign. But if fructose, high fructose corn syrup, or sucrose—in other words, sugar—is listed first, you’d best leave that item on the store shelf because added sugars are taking the place of more nutritious ingredients.
But sugar isn’t always bad. Some foods—such as fruits—contain naturally occurring sugars. Bananas or juicy oranges straight from the tree or your grocer’s produce aisle are naturally sweet. But if you see sugar listed as an ingredient in canned, frozen, or packaged fruits, you’ll know it was added in the same way it’s added to cereals or other prepared foods.
Make a healthy breakfast part of your children’s morning routine. Studies show that students who eat breakfast perform better in school.
Ed. Note:   This blog is part of a series of nutrition tips from FDA nutrition expert Shirley Blakely, Ph.D., R.D."


Saturday, October 16, 2010

French School Lunch Program

I just came across this video from CBS Sunday Morning. It is a wonderful story about the lunch program in French public schools.

Not only do they provide healthy foods, but take great care in food safety and work very hard to offer different food choices. Each meal served has several courses too! They also provide the parents with a 2 month lunch menu that specifies what will be served, including dinner suggestions for parents. (I would LOVE this!!)

Absolutely amazing.

It is only a 6 minute video- so take the time to watch. Hopefully- we can inspire similar changes here in America!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Healthy Lunch Ideas

Let's Move is celebrating the National School Lunch week by posting a healthy lunch recipe on their blog everyday this week!

Check in each day and see what great ideas they come up with!

From the Let's Move Blog:

"Celebrating National School Lunch Week with Healthy Recipes
Posted by Erin Edgerton on October 13, 2010 
This week is the 65 anniversary of the National School Lunch Program, which has more than 31 million participating children and is aimed at preventing hunger and promoting education by providing students access to safe, balanced and affordable meals at school. 
To celebrate National School Lunch Week, we’re teaming up with to feature some delicious and healthy lunch recipes.  Each day this week, you’ll find a new recipe on the blog – and we encourage you to share your favorite lunch recipes on the Let’s Move! Facebook page."


"The Let’s Move! campaign, started by First Lady Michelle Obama, has an ambitious national goal of solving the challenge of childhood obesity within a generation so that children born today will reach adulthood at a healthy weight. Let’s Move! will combat the epidemic of childhood obesity through a comprehensive approach that will engage every sector impacting the health of children and will provide schools, families and communities simple tools to help kids be more active, eat better, and get healthy."


Friday, October 8, 2010

Fruit and Veggie Blog!

A friend of mine has shared a blog she found dedicated to fruit and veggie recipes!

Add it to your daily reading list and enjoy trying some new recipes with your family.

Land of Fruit and Veggies

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Skin to Skin Contact After C Section

My biggest fear when delivering my son was if I had a C section- that the doctors would take him away from me and I would not be able to breastfeed immediately. I, of course, did not have a problem with needing a C section if something were to go wrong or if it meant having a healthy baby. I am someone who trusts my doctors opinions and do not have any problems with necessary medical interventions.

I do not understand however, the need to rush off babies to a nursery if they are completely healthy. So I have been VERY interested in new information on immediate skin-to-skin contact between mother and baby after a C Section. It is still not commonplace- but some hospitals and doctors are allowing the practice and it is something I will be discussing with my doctors before I deliver my next child.

Here is a great article I found on the topic:

From the blog: Stork Stories...Birth and Breastfeeding

Beautiful Skin to Skin after birth (iStock Photos)
Submitted for the Healthy Birth Blog Carnival #6: MotherBaby Edition

Skin to Skin immediately after birth is an extremely important part of the continuum of the nurturing of pregnancy, the process of birth and the transition of nurturing from inside mom to outside mom. This is the natural habitat where baby should transition and begin his own regulations of breathing, heart rate, temperature etc… This is recognized by the AAP in their changes to the Neonatal Resuscitation Algorithm back in 2000. The recommendation was to keep baby with mom and provide all initial evaluations and steps with baby on moms chest for all healthy babies!  We all know that babies have an inborn innate ability to self attach and nurse right after birth. These recommendations are not just for vaginal births. Kathy Petersen has a beautiful description of the importance of STS after a Cesarean birth on her Woman to Woman Childbirth Education blog in her 5/30/10 post Skin-to-Skin in the O.R. after a C-section.

As soon as I heard about the last edition of Science and Sensibility’s Healthy Birth Blog Carnival with a theme about “keeping moms and babies together after birth”, I wanted to write about my tiny little efforts, struggles and some successes in providing moms and babies with an environment that supports and protects their need to stay together. My recent role in the protection of such an environment and subsequent privilege of watching a baby self attach in the OR 15 min after a C/S birth has re-energized my efforts to get more mother’s and nurses to speak up and make this a standard for healthy babies!

Then….. I saw a link on Laura Keegan’s Facebook fan page for her book Breastfeeding with Comfort and Joy to an awesome video and a beautiful photo posted by the author of Cesarean Parents Blog about her birth. I had heard of Laura’s search for images of STS after C/S and asking for mother’s experiences. Amy Romano from Science and Sensibility alerted Laura of the photo: Kathy blogged about STS after C/S and I was working on this post! Such uncanny timing! I am just in awe of this marvelous networking community! Head over to Laura’s facebook link and share your experience for her info gathering. Here is the fabulous video they are all talking about “Breast is Best” from Norway:

Why is it so hard for the doctors and nurses to get on board? Most of them understand the word “bonding”.  But what many don’t realize is that it took a long time for the actual concept to take hold, to allow “time” for bonding to occur.  It sounds silly but many times if the baby and mother are still together after 2 hours…the nurses call that “extended bonding”.  I have been doing this for over 35 years now and the changes from the 70′s to now are fascinating and frustrating at the same time. To understand the process of change, we have to sometimes remember where we’ve been. I wrote about Medical Science vs Natural Childbirth a year ago because I feel history IS important to help us move forward. Often it is about control… but many times nurses and doctors are simply task oriented/ focused and not patient centered. They want to complete all their procedures and charting and move on to the next task. I understand this, there is always a lot to do and document. I work there too! The environment provided to us, the health-care workers, is one in which regulations are abundant and staffing is not always optimal. Flexibility is needed. I know there is a way. This culture just has to change. And it happens in small little doses.

SO–> Skin to Skin immediately after a C/S? I have been told by coworkers, doctors and anesthesia:
“It’s impossible, “
“It can’t be done”
“There’s not enough room”
“This patient (the mom) is in the middle of major surgery!”
“The baby needs to be under the warmer, it’s too cold in the OR.”

Really? Seriously? Watch Me………

I have actually been working on this issue for the past few years…… Ever since I began staff education for World Breastfeeding Week 2007′s theme “Breastfeeding: The first hour — Welcome Baby Softly”. The focus from ILCA was: ‘Establishing a welcoming environment that keeps mothers and babies together.’ It was then that I gently tried to introduce the concepts for C-Sections as well as all vaginal births. I was getting a lot of positive response for vaginal births…not so for C/S.

Anesthesia is our biggest barrier. The chest area of the mother seems to belong to them somehow. The arms too.. I always politely ask the doctor for permission to have at least one arm released so she can touch her baby. (they are secured on armboards to her sides.) Really the OB’s didn’t mind what was happening outside of their draped domain. The Pediatrician is the next barrier because they want to finish a complete exam…. in the nursery…. before they returned to the office or whatever.  So I started with the Peds… hoping they would stop expecting the baby to be quickly removed from the OR. I started with just simple requests for prolonged “bonding”… because they all get that. “Look how well this baby is transitioning.. so alert and PINK! ” “I’ll write all the measurements in your exam note…. I’m fine… I know you’re busy….” I’d say.   Sometimes mom and baby got to stay together. Soon, for some of the doc’s, the expectation of baby leaving mom was gone. They got tired of waiting around and would leave. More moms and babies got to stay together…even if it was dad doing the holding. My co-workers were not always so understanding because of the work flow on the unit. It would work best when the birth happened any time other than first thing in the morning when it’s busy everywhere. Isn’t that sad? Sitting here writing this I’m thinking of ways to work on that….. another time…..

Anesthesiologists or Nurse Anesthetists are all different. There are some wonderful ones who are releasing both arms and pushing things out of the way for the baby and others who are constantly telling moms they are “under” anesthesia and can’t hold the baby, or they have given meds to mom right after baby is born so mom is now groggy. I talk to each of them respectfully and differently depending on their own approach. I have discussed my plans for STS if baby stable ahead of time. I have discussed how it is up to us to provide this protected environment for moms etc…  I have used the patient satisfaction discussion, the scientific evidence discussion, the patient centered care discussion, and the increased patient numbers due to higher satisfaction talk.  I have let them know that when a mother requests that–> we must do everything possible to help her experience this. 

Slowly, over the last few months, I was able to facilitate some babies really getting skin to skin in the OR for short periods before going to the nursery. There were a variety of factors for why it wasn’t very long each time but at least it was happening!! It’s not a standard of care yet and I’m the only one working on it but others are getting interested… Communication has been very important to create the environment and reduce barriers. We still have a long road ahead. But we did pave a path for this mom….

She came in with an unknown double footling breech presentation in active labor and the doctors wanted to do a C/S right away. She was really upset and had a beautiful birth plan that was already getting discarded. “STS until first breastfeed accomplished” was on her plan and I was determined to help her with that! Things were happening fast. The anesthesiologist wasn’t my best STS supporter.. “oh well” I thought, “I’ll do what I can to help.” The baby was crying and pink when born and without thinking about it, the doctor, nurses and myself had him on the baby unit drying him. Mom went panicky! “Give him to me, give him to me! He has to be ON me! You just took him OUT of me, now he HAS TO BE ON ME!”  She was literally trying to sit up. Anesthesia was drawing up meds for her (that was his answer).  I said “OK here he comes!”. So I didn’t ask anyone’s permission this time….. just held that naked baby in one hand, snapped open her gown with the other and helped him move in. I asked for a warm blanket and looked up to see the other nurse and doctor staring at me. I said “Seriously… she’s exactly right, he does belong ON her!” Anesthesia saw the immediate transformation of his frantic patient to one with calm maternal bliss, admiration and cooing. He was then helpful to let her other hand out. This little boy stayed with mom, breastfed before he was 15 min old and went to the PACU with mom. She was so incredibly happy. I never got to see her after that since it was near the end of my shift and I wasn’t on shift the next few days. I saw that she exclusively breastfed in the hospital and without complication went home on day 3. At least part of her birth experience went according to plan!

If she hadn’t have been so vocal about what she wanted, so adamant… she would not have experienced what she did. 
Want to see more? This stunning video of a baby skin to skin then breastfeeding at birth in the operating room via @MothersUtopia @Laura_Keegan. What were your experiences? Please don’t forget to head on over to Breastfeeding with Comfort and Joy on FB to comment on your experience or opinion about this important topic!! Calling for women to share their experiences with skin to skin here, to help give a voice to the real need to make skin to skin in the OR routine practice in all ORs."


So what do you think?? What are YOUR experiences? If you had a C section- did you ask for immediate Skin-to-Skin contact? Share your story here!!!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Pumpkin Time!

Fall is now here...(although you would never know it with this heat!). Know what that means??

Pumpkin season! 

Pumpkins are great for first foods for baby and for the whole family. Now- time to think outside of the box- they are not JUST for pumpkin pies!

Here are some great recipe ideas for babies and the entire family!

Pumpkin Yogurt- Mix pumpkin puree with plain yogurt and add some cinnamon or nutmeg- or both! (remember, spices are great for babies- just follow the 4 day wait rule the same way you do with foods)

Pumpkin Cupcakes- (This recipe is amazing, but I half the amount of sugar or use a mix of agave nectar when making this for little ones)

Pumpkin Soup- I found this recipe online- but I am pretty sure you can add just about anything you like to make this favorite!

Pumpkin Cheesecake-  Another recipe I would substitute agave for if serving to my toddler- or just leave it for the grown ups, hehe.

Pumpkin Chili- I have never tried this- but it sounds really good. Another recipe you could really be creative with and make your own! Ground Turkey, vegetarian...whatever you like!

Pumpkin Pancakes- This is a great way to make a morning favorite healthy! This recipe is great because it only has a tablespoon of sugar- you can substitute or just leave it since it is such a small amount. 

Click here for more Pumpkin recipes

Or here!

Or here!!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

"Why African Babies Don't Cry"

Here is a great article I came across and discuss!


"Why African Babies Don't Cry:
An African Perspective
by Claire Niala
I was born and grew up in Kenya & Cote d'Ivoire. Then from the age of fifteen I lived in the UK. However, I always knew that I wanted to raise my children (whenever I had them) at home in Kenya. And yes, I assumed I was going to have them. I am a modern African woman with two university degrees and I am a fourth generation working woman - but when it comes to children, I am typically African. The assumption remains that you are not complete without them; children are a blessing it would be crazy to avoid. Actually the question does not even arise.
I started my pregnancy in the UK. The urge to deliver at home was so strong that I sold my practice, setup a new business and moved house / country within five months of finding out I was pregnant. I did what most expectant mothers in the UK do - I read voraciously: Our Babies, Ourselves, Unconditional Parenting, anything by the Searses - the list goes on. (My grandmother later commented that babies don't read books - and really all I needed to do was "read" my baby). Everything I read said that African babies cried less than European babies. I was intrigued as to why.

When I went home I observed. I looked out for mothers and babies and they were everywhere (though not very young African ones - those under six weeks were mainly at home). The first thing I noticed is that despite their ubiquitousness it is actually quite difficult to actually "see" a Kenyan baby. They are usually incredibly well wrapped up before being carried or strapped onto their mother (sometimes father).
Even older babies already strapped onto a back are then further protected from the elements by a large blanket. You would be lucky to catch a limb, never mind an eye or nose. It is almost a womb-like replication in the wrapping. The babies are literally cocooned from the stresses of the outside world into which they are entering.

My second observation was a cultural one. In the UK it was understood that babies cry - in Kenya it was quite the opposite. The understanding is that babies don't cry. If they do - something is horribly wrong and must be done to rectify it immediately. My English sister-in-law summarized it well. "People here" she said "really don't like babies crying, do they?"

It all made much more sense when I finally delivered and my grandmother came from the village to visit. As it happened - my baby did cry a fair amount, and exasperated and tired, I forgot everything I had ever read and sometimes joined in the crying too. Yet for my grandmother it was simple - nyonyo (breastfeed her!). It was her answer to every single peep.
There were times when it was a wet nappy, or the fact that I had put her down, or that she needed burping that was the problem, but mainly she just wanted to be at the breast - it didn't really matter whether she was feeding or just having a comfort moment. I was already wearing her most of the time and co-sleeping with her, so this was a natural extension to what we were doing.

I suddenly learned the not-so-difficult secret as to the joyful silence of African babies. It was a simple needs-met symbiosis that required a total suspension of ideas of "what should be happening" and an embracing of what was actually going on in that moment. The bottom line was that my baby fed a lot - far more than I had ever read about anywhere and at least five times as much as some of the stricter feeding schedules I had heard about.
At about four months, when a lot of urban mothers start to introduce solids as previous guidelines had recommended, my daughter returned to newborn style hourly breastfeeding. She needed hourly feeds and this was a total shock. Over the past four months the time between feeds had slowly started to increase. I had even started to treat the odd patient without my breasts leaking or my daughter's nanny interrupting the session to let me know my daughter needed a feed.
Most of the mothers in my mother and baby group had duly started to introduce baby rice (to stretch the feeds) and all the professionals involved in our children's lives - pediatricians, even doulas, said that this was OK. Mothers needed rest too, we had done amazingly to get to four months exclusive breastfeeding, and they said our babies would be fine. Something didn't ring true for me and even when I tried (half-heartedly) to mix some pawpaw (the traditional weaning food in Kenya) with expressed milk and offered it to my daughter - she was having none of it.

So I called my grandmother. She laughed and asked if I had been reading books again. She carefully explained how breastfeeding was anything but linear. "She'll tell you when she's ready for food - and her body will too." "What will I do until then?" I was eager to know. "You do what you did before, regular nyonyo". So my life slowed down to what felt like a standstill again. While many of my contemporaries marveled at how their children were sleeping longer now that they had introduced the baby rice, and were even venturing to other foods, I was waking hourly or every two hours with my daughter and telling patients that the return to work wasn't panning out quite as I had planned.

I soon found that quite unwittingly I was turning into an informal support service for other urban mothers. My phone number was doing the round and many times while I was feeding my baby I would hear myself uttering the words, "Yes, just keep feeding him/ her." "Yes, even if you have just fed them" "Yes, you might not even manage to get out of your pajamas today" "Yes, you still need to eat and drink like a horse" "No, now might not be the time to consider going back to work if you can afford not to". "It will get easier". I had to just trust this last one as it hadn't gotten easier for me - yet.
A week or so before my daughter turned five months we traveled to the UK for a wedding and for her to meet family and friends. Especially because I had very few other demands, I kept up her feeding schedule easily. Despite the disconcerted looks of many strangers as I fed my daughter in many varied public places (most designated breastfeeding rooms were in rest rooms which I just could not bring myself to use), we carried on.
At the wedding, the people whose table we sat at noted, "She is such an easy baby - though she does feed a lot". I kept my silence, then another lady commented, "Though I did read somewhere that African babies don't cry much." I could not help but laugh.
My grandmother's gentle wisdom:
  1. Offer the breast every single moment that your baby is upset - even if you have just fed her.
  2. Co-sleep. Many times you can feed your baby before they are fully awake, which will allow them to go back to sleep easier and get you more rest.
  3. Always take a flask of warm water with bed to you at night to keep you hydrated and the milk flowing.
  4. Make the feeding your priority (especially during growth spurts) and get everyone else around you to do as much as they can for you. There is very little that cannot wait.
  5. Read your baby, not the books. Breastfeeding is not linear - it goes up and down (and also in circles). You are the expert on your baby's needs.

J. Claire K. Niala is a mother, osteopath & writer based in Nairobi, Kenya."


What do you think?? Have you read anything else about the topic? Let me know!


Annie's going GF!!

To all of my Gluten Free friends...Great news!!

Annie's (a company that I just love) is now offering several gluten free items.

From their website:

"Annie's totally natural Gluten Free offerings are tailored to those who follow wheat-free or gluten-free diets, but they're so delicious everyone will enjoy them! Our family of gluten-free products is always:

• Made with all-natural gluten-free ingredients
• Consisting of no artificial colors, flavors, or preservatives
• Processed without GMOs
• Free of trans fat and cholesterol

For lunch box snacks, try our new Gluten Free Bunny Cookies, or toss in a package of our Organic Bunny Fruit Snacks.  Annie's also offers two delicious pasta meals - Gluten Free Rice Pasta & Cheddar and new Deluxe Rice Pasta with Extra Cheesy Cheddar."

Click here to read more and find out where to purchase Annie's GF items!!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Make Ahead Breakfast Ideas

So my favorite cooking Mama at One Hungry Mama posted this great article with recipes for make ahead breakfasts!


Whether you have kids in school or are just too tired to be creative in the morning (!) these are life savers!!

One Hungry Mama got these recipes from Simple Bites

Cottage Cheese & Yogurt Parfait with Fruit

Coconut Milk & Berry Smoothie

Buckwheat Pancakes

Berry Powerful Bars

Egg ‘McMuffin’

Scottish Oat Scones

Muffins…your way

Chai-Spiced Granola

Click here to read the entire article

AND Click HERE for the recipes!!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Groups to Follow on Facebook

So, Facebook is great! You can keep in touch with friends and family- but also get some great information from companies and organizations with similar interests to you.

Here are some of my favorites:

Healthy Child Healthy World

(Healthy Child Healthy World is igniting a movement that inspires parents to protect young children from harmful chemicals.)

Stonyfield Farm!/stonyfieldfarm

(1983 - More than 27 years celebrating healthy food, healthy people, healthy business and a healthy planet!)

Seventh Generation

(1988. For more than 20 years, it's been Seventh Generation's mission to help you protect your world with our naturally safe and effective household products.)

Let's Move

(Americans working together to address the obesity epidemic and raise a healthier generation of kids.)

Kelly Mom

( provides evidence-based breastfeeding and parenting information to both professionals and parents.
Please visit our message boards if you have questions about breastfeeding or parenting:

 Click here to follow Littlest Foodie on Facebook

What other pages do you like? 

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Arizona Midday Recipes

Sweet Potato Pancake Recipe:


  • 1 1/2 cups sifted all-purpose flour
  • 3 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground nutmeg
  • 1 1/4 cups mashed cooked sweet potatoes
  • 2 eggs, beaten
  • 1 1/2 cups milk
  • 1/4 cup butter, melted


Sift dry ingredients into a mixing bowl. Combine remaining ingredients; add to flour mixture, stirring just until dry ingredients are moistened. Drop by tablespoons onto hot greased griddle or skillet and fry, turning once, until browned on both sides.
Makes about 24 pancakes.

Zucchini Muffins Recipe

For those of you who prefer to use oil over butter, be my guest (use 1 cup vegetable oil instead of the butter) but I have to tell you, I've made these both ways, and the butter version just tastes better.


  • 3 cups grated fresh zucchini
  • 2/3 cup melted unsalted butter
  • 1 1/3 cup sugar
  • 2 eggs, beaten
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla
  • 2 teaspoons baking soda
  • Pinch salt
  • 3 cups all-purpose flour
  • 2 teaspoons cinnamon
  • 1/2 teaspoon nutmeg
  • 1 cup walnuts (optional)
  • 1 cup raisins or dried cranberries (optional)


You don't need a mixer for this recipe.
1 Preheat the oven to 350°F (175°C). In a large bowl combine the sugar, eggs, and vanilla. Stir in the grated zucchini and then the melted butter. Sprinkle the baking soda and salt over the zucchini mixture and mix in. In a separate bowl, mix together the flour, nutmeg, and cinnamon. Stir these dry ingredients into the zucchini mixture. Stir in walnuts, raisins or cranberries if using.
2 Coat each muffin cup in your muffin pan with a little butter or vegetable oil spray. Use a spoon to distribute the muffin dough equally among the cups, filling the cups up completely. Bake on the middle rack until muffins are golden brown, and the top of the muffins bounce back when you press on them, about 25 to 30 minutes. Test with a long toothpick or a thin bamboo skewer to make sure the center of the muffins are done. Set on wire rack to cool for 5 minutes. Remove muffins from the tin let cool another 20 minutes.
Note, if you are including walnuts and dried fruit, you will likely have more batter than is needed for 12 muffins. I got about 14 muffins from this batch, and that included filling the muffin cups up as far as they could possibly go (above the surface of the muffin tin).

Saturday, September 4, 2010

National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month

The White House
Office of the Press Secretary

Presidential Proclamation--National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month

  One of the greatest responsibilities we have as a Nation is to safeguard the health and well-being of our children.  We now face a national childhood obesity crisis, with nearly one in every three of America's children being overweight or obese.  There are concrete steps we can take right away as concerned parents, caregivers, educators, loved ones, and a Nation to ensure that our children are able to live full and active lives.  During National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month, I urge all Americans to take action to meet our national goal of solving the problem of childhood obesity within a generation.
Childhood obesity has been a growing problem for decades.  While it has afflicted children across our country, certain Americans have been disproportionately affected.  Particular racial and ethnic groups are more severely impacted, as are certain regions of the country.  In addition, obesity can be influenced by a number of environmental and behavioral factors, including unhealthy eating patterns and too little physical activity at home and at school.
We must do more to halt and reverse this epidemic, as obesity can lead to severe and chronic health problems during childhood, adolescence and adulthood, including heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and asthma.  Not only does excess weight adversely affect our children's well-being, but its associated health risks also impose great costs on families, our health care system, and our economy.  Each year, nearly $150 billion are spent to treat obesity-related medical conditions.  This is not the future to which we want to consign our children, and it is a burden our health care system cannot bear.
Earlier this year, the First Lady announced "Let's Move!"    an initiative to combat childhood obesity at every stage of a child's life.  As President, I created a Task Force on Childhood Obesity to marshal the combined resources of the Federal Government to develop interagency solutions and make recommendations on how to respond to this crisis.  The Task Force produced a report containing a comprehensive set of recommendations that will put our country on track for solving this pressing health issue and preventing it from threatening future generations.
The report outlines broad strategies to address childhood obesity, including providing healthier food in schools, ensuring access to healthy affordable food, increasing opportunities for physical activity, empowering parents and caregivers with better information about making healthy choices, and giving children a healthy start in life.  I invite all Americans to visit to learn more about these recommendations and find additional information and resources on how to help children eat healthy and stay active.
The new landmark health care law, the Affordable Care Act (ACA), includes a number of important tools for fighting and reversing the rise of childhood obesity.  All new health insurance plans will be required to cover both screenings for childhood obesity and counseling on nutrition and sustained weight loss, without charging any out of pocket costs.  The ACA also requires large restaurant and vending machine operators to provide visible nutritional information about the products they sell, enabling all Americans to make more informed choices about the foods they eat.  As part of my Administration's comprehensive approach to combating this epidemic, the ACA includes millions in new funds to implement prevention activities nationwide that support recommendations of the Task Force on Childhood Obesity.
Our history shows that when we are united in our convictions, we can safeguard the health and safety of America's children for generations to come.  When waves of American children were stricken with polio and disabled for life, we developed a nationwide immunization program that eradicated this crippling disease from our shores within a matter of decades.  When we discovered that children were going to school hungry because their families could not afford nutritious meals, we created the National School Lunch Program.  Today, this program feeds more than 30 million American children, often at little or no charge.  When we work together, we can overcome any obstacle and protect our Nation's most precious resource -- our children.  As we take steps to turn around the epidemic of childhood obesity, I am confident that we will solve this problem together, and that we will solve it in a generation.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim September 2010 as National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month.  I encourage all Americans to take action by learning about and engaging in activities that promote healthy eating and greater physical activity by all of our Nation's children.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this first day of September, in the year of our Lord two thousand ten, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-fifth.
