Thursday, December 17, 2009

No more picky eaters!

Something I believe in is giving your kids variety and spice from their first bites of food!

Of course, every toddler will go through phases where they don't seem to want anything you make for them... but remember- YOU are the parent. YOU are the only way a toddler can get food. YOU set the example and make the rules for eating. (Of course, if your child has any special needs or medical issues, follow the plan set up by you and your doctor. Always check with your doctor!)

Here are some tips:

- do not let your kids snack all day long. Make 3 main meals and offer a healthy snack once or twice in between meals at a pre-determined time.

- offering a snack at a pre-determined time helps to eliminate "boredom eating". We have all been there and kids are no different. If you just wait around until your toddler whines- you might be giving him/her food when all they need is a new activity.

- Make your meal for the entire family. Do NOT make a separate meal for the kids. Do not make the mistake of saying your child won't like what you are eating and not even give them the chance to enjoy it.

- Once you make the meal, if your child decides they do not like the food- do not force them to eat it. Tell them "this is your meal, I am not making anything else." They may choose not to eat this meal, but they will learn that they cannot dictate the choice of meals. If you cave, they will know they can manipulate you. BE STRONG! (I know this is easier said than done...)

- If your kid does not eat a meal or even two, they will not starve. They will get hungry enough and you better believe they will eat what is in front of them the next time!

- Offer your kids variety! Give them many different vegetables, fruits and spices. If you always make rosemary potatoes, don't make plain ones for your kids- help them to learn the infinite delicious flavors of food!

- Let your kids help make meals. Even the youngest can grab some ingredients and throw them into a bowl or stir up some sauce. They will be proud that they helped and be more inclined to eat it when they had a hand in the process.

- Most of all, keep trying new things. I think of my childhood- I hated onions. Eventually, they have become one of my favorites. If your kid does not like a particular item on the first try- give it to them again and see what they think.

Do you have any great ideas or tried and true methods? Share them with us!

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